SPEAKER: Sarah Ratekin (Executive Coach and Chief Happiness Officer) November 7, 2019 (9:35 am)

My HDFS 2367 Class will be joined by a guest speaker today, November 7, 2019 on The Ohio State University Main Campus (Campbell Hall, Room 252) for an exploration of positivity in the workplace (and life).

sarahSarah Ratekin currently resides in Indiana with her spouse Kris (a certified Laughter Yoga leader), their youngest two children, and multiple pets.

By day, she’s the Chief Happiness Officer at a global corporation. She is also the owner of Ratekin Executive Coaching where she offers business, career and life coaching. Sarah is a radical positivity activist and believes we can change the world for the better by being positive, grateful and kind.

She and Kris travel extensively sharing the joy and power of laughter and positivity with organizations of all sizes and industries. In their downtime, they enjoy exploring the outdoors (usually by kayak), dancing and general merry adventuring!



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